First time logging in?
If you are logging in for the first time, follow the instructions below:
- Use the "Forgot username or password" link.
- PARENTS: In the prompt, enter your personal email address as provided to WBAIS.
STAFF: In the prompt, enter your WBAIS email address.
- You will receive an email with your username in plain text and a link to set or reset your password. Click on the link and set your password.
*Note: the password must be 8 characters long.
*Note: the reset link is valid for one hour only.
What to do if you did not receive a reset link to the email you provided in the prompt
For security purposes, the password will not be emailed to an address different than the one provided to WBAIS.
Another possibility is that the automatically generated password email is getting caught in your spam filter. Check your spam folder to ensure it is not there; if it is, report it as "not spam" to prevent this from happening again.
If you have tried both of these points and your login still does not work, or if you have a new email address, please send an email to for further assistance.