MS Hallmark Programs
Global Awareness Investigation and Action (GAIA) is an environmental research project involving elementary, middle, and high school students as scientific researchers and policy developers. Each school enrolled in the GAIA project focuses on solving a specific problem in its community through scientific research and sustainable program implementation.
GAIA students perform their investigations as if they were professional scientists. They identify an issue in their community, investigate it through scientific methods, share data with each other, and propose and jointly advocate solutions based on their research.
GAIA projects provide multiple avenues of opportunity for students to learn through our unique partnerships with universities, environmental agencies, technology and engineering companies. Research projects prepare students for future studies in scientific fields and careers in high-tech or other environmental science related businesses.
MS Science Fair
Elementary School and Middle School students participate each spring in the Science Fair. The Science Fair is judged by American and Israeli scientists. The science fair projects are reflective of the important WBAIS places on STEM education and are a culmination of work inside and outside of class.
MS Nanowrimo
"Middle schoolers are our favorite. They’re weird and imaginative and dramatic and, though they sometimes try to hide it, they get super excited about learning new things and showing off their creative work. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to harness that creative energy, help them get past their inner critics, and keep them motivated throughout NaNoWriMo. And we’re here to support you along the way! First, some common questions:
Can middle schoolers write a novel?
Yes! Just adjust your expectations based on experience, language skills, and enthusiasm. Some of your students might end up writing something that looks more like a short story, but their effort and pride will be the same as someone who writes 50,000 words. Besides, who knows how else they might grow? If you take a whole class of kids and soak them in creativity for a month, something is going to happen. It might not be exactly what you expected, but chances are good that it’s going to be awesome!
Does writing novels actually help middle schoolers learn English language skills?
Yes! Research shows that sustained, focused practice leads to skill development. Writing is no different! By working each day on a project that actually matters to them, students develop writing fluency, which is a necessary component of writing proficiency. Plus, they choose their own stories based on what matters to them, which leads to high student engagement and achievement. Not to mention their improved novel-reading skills."
Space Camp
Come aboard our space capsule and conquer the universe at the Euro Space Center!
The conquest of space is within your reach.
Choose your specialization from our internship offer and embark on an adventure closer to the stars.
You'll walk in the footsteps of space pioneers for an entire week.
Astronaut, astronomy, rocket building, robotics, satellites and more: you choose your area of specialization and meet the challenges of planet exploration!
MS Sports Marathon
Information about the Sports Marathon
MS Week WIthout Walls
The primary purpose of Week without Walls is to provide a unique learning opportunity otherwise not possible in the daily classroom. It is an opportunity to build friendships, develop team building and leadership skills, travel to some amazing Israeli cultural locations and participate in activity-based programs.
High School WWW and Middle School WWW are typically held in the fall to welcome new students to Israel and integrate new students into the community. The trips are staffed by WBAIS faculty who use the opportunity to get to know their students outside of a strictly academic setting.
Student come back with an appreciation of both the activities, each other, and their teachers.