Elementary School Counseling
ES Counselor Amy Perdigone
Amy Bio
My name is Amy Perdigone, and this is my seventh year at WBAIS. I am an educator with 19 years of experience and I continue to be full of curiosity, compassion and have a strong desire to help all students succeed. One of the things I enjoy most about working with young learners is having the privilege to help guide them though each special and unique stage of development.
As a life-long learner, my education career started in Los Angeles, California, where I earned a BA in Sociology and minored in Education at UCLA. I have an MS in School Counseling with a Pupil Personnel Credential (PPSC) from SFSU. In addition, I am a member of both ISCA (International School Counselor Association) and ASCA (American School Counselor Association), and I attend conferences sponsored by these organizations and others regularly. I have enjoyed school counseling in both the high school and elementary school settings from California, Saudi Arabia, to Israel.
Even Yehuda is not only the area where I work, but it is also where live and enjoy calling home with my five-year-old daughter. I care deeply about the community I serve and my door is always open to support students and families.
ES Program
The ES counselor interacts with students and families in both direct and indirect ways.
Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Curriculum: Consists of structured lessons designed to help students attain the desired competencies and to provide all students with the knowledge, attitudes, and skills appropriate for their development level. The (SEL) curriculum is infused throughout the school's overall curriculum and is systematically presented by the ES school counselor in collaboration with other professional educators in KG-G4 classroom activities. In the ES, Second Step Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) Program is used.
Personal Safety Program: Focuses on Safe & Unsafe Touch. Lessons are taught to all grades by the ES counselor. The curriculum will teach students about safe, unsafe and unwanted touches. During classroom lessons, the children will learn more about The Touching Rule, private body parts and the three Safety Rules.
Responsive Services: Designed to meet students' immediate needs and concerns, responsive services may include counseling in individual or small-group settings or crisis response. The ES counselor may meet with students individually and/or in small groups throughout the school year to address issues and provide skill-building opportunities. Topics may include: social-skills, grief and loss, friendship issues, conflict resolution, and transition. The ES counselor can provide individual short term counseling as needed and determine whether further counseling/therapy, to be conducted outside of school, is necessary. In most cases, the ES counselor will partner with parents to gain their support and work as a team.
Transition Programs: As students move to a new country or move from one school to the next ( Early Years to Elementary School and from Elementary School to Middle School), activities and programs are held to facilitate a smooth transition.
Indirect Student Services: The ES counselor serves as a link between school and community resources by providing appropriate referrals based on student needs. These indirect services are provided on behalf of students as a result of the ES counselor's interactions with others including referrals for additional assistance, consultation and collaboration with parents, teachers, other educators and community organizations..